Our academic program is divided into 4 sections: Primary, middle school, High School, and Higher Secondary.
The school is affiliated to Nagaland Board of School Education.
High School Leaving Certificate Examination is taken at the end of class X and Higher Secondary School Leaving Certificate Examination is taken at the end of the class XII.
Formative and summative assessment is used throughout the year and helps measure student growth and the effectiveness of teaching.
Effective assessments give students feedback on how well they understand the information and on what they need to improve while helping teachers to design instruction better.
Assessments are used not only to monitor progress, but they are also used to determine if instructional practices are working and if students are learning what is being taught.
Assessment practices also equip teachers with the necessary information to adjust instructional depth and pace.
In LAHSS, Assessment is done intermittently and in three different ways- Formative, Interim, Summative.
a) Our Formative Assessments are short term testing is done through very interactive class discussions, a warm-up, closures, exit or feedback slips; on-the-spot performances; quizzes grand conversations, brainstorming where our learners are in the process of making meaning of new content and of integrating it into what they already know. Our learners get immediate feedback, which enables them to change their understanding and performance.
b) Our Interim Assessments are more formal and are done using tools such as projects scored with a rubric, extended essays, written assignments, and Chapter-wise tests. Students are given the opportunity to re-demonstrate their understanding once the feedback has been acknowledged and acted upon.
c) Our Summative Assessment is formal and takes place at the end of each term.
Each classroom strives to build positive relationships between teachers and students to enhance learning. Our missional goal is to create a nurturing relationship between the school and home.
To help each student grow and develop to their fullest potential, teachers differentiate instruction based on student learning styles and interests. With a comprehensive curriculum in each subject area, students complete their time in each grade well-equipped for the next grade.
Classrooms are engaging, fostering a love of learning across subject areas.
Teachers have a high level of training on how to individualize instruction to meet each student’s needs.
Dynamic instruction which incorporates integrated units, project-based learning, and a variety of ways to access information, creates a climate for students to understand and apply the knowledge they have learned.